Monday, January 30, 2012

What's ur reaction walking in a dark parking lot and a stranger approaches?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm so excited! on Monday with the folks from Palm Beach Harvest. 3-4pm EST
"Cher"ing "My" Smile with Cheryl Resnick

"I'm Coming Out..."

Who would of thunk 20 months ago while I was sitting in the dark, indulging myself in my emotional pain that I'd be smiling in the light and "Cher"ing "My" Smile, today, with ALL of you? It was because of your smiles, warmth and grace that I am blessed to reflect your beauty back to you. From my heart and Unforgettable Facebook Connections..."Cher"ing "Grateful" Smiles.

My journey continues at where you can hear "My" Smile every Monday 3-4pm EST...
Come..."Let's ALL Dance in the Beauty of a Smile".