Tuesday, June 12, 2012

CALLING ALL MEN: JOIN me and my guest, Wayne Levine, director of BetterMen Coaching to learn tips to be the best man you can be, the best, father, husband and leader...6.18.12 3:00 PM ESThttp://tinyurl.com/7nqopmf

Thursday, June 7, 2012

http://tinyurl.com/bolxbjo Please join me and my guest, Felix Alvarez. Hear his personal journey of HOPE and INSPIRATION.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Who will bring a Smile to you in the future? Monday's "Cher"ing "My" Smile Radio show 3pm EST guest Halley Elise. http://tinyurl.com/d5qnfaa

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What better time than today to listen to the guidance of a great spiritual leader! Please join me and my guest, Ray Wiggins. He has quite a story to "CHER"..http://tinyurl.com/74qz32a

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Want to learn how to bounce back from tragedy? Please join me and my guest, author Zelda Greenberg, known as the "Bounce Back Guru" Monday 4.30.12 at 3PM EST-4http://tinyurl.com/7r6hhuu
Want to learn how to bounce back after tragedy strikes? Please join me and my guest, author Zelda Greenberg, known as the "Bounce Back Guru" this Monday, 4.30.12 at 3 PM EST-4:00

Thursday, April 19, 2012

When have you heard yourself say, "this could never happen to me?" Please join me and Pamela Bergsma as she "CHERS" her story of the loss of her grandson. A loss that could have been avoided. Monday 3:00 PM EST http://tinyurl.com/6ozsvrk

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Searching for a business or personal mentor or Life Coach, you do look for someone successful? Live Radio Monday http://tinyurl.com/c79fntr

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pennies From Heaven....

I don't know about you but I believe in energy....I believe it is all around us and I believe when someone passes away, their energy is still with us.  Today, I got some very exciting news from my guest on my radio show.  At the end of the show, I walked out to my car and as soon as I opened the door and got inside, there was a penny laying at my feet.  For those of you who know me, you know that I believe that when a penny is laid in my path it is a "penny from heaven, " a "penny that my daddy has left in my way" to remind me that he is with me.  I picked the penny up and put it into my pocket of my jeans and said, "thank you daddy."  I ran an errand and when I got back in the car, what do you think I found in my seat?  Another "penny from heaven..."  Now, here is the really amazing part.....
I walked into my home and went into the bedroom to visit with my mom and she said, "when is daddy coming?"  My dad has been gone for over seven years and my mom knows this.....It was when I was removing the pennies, from my pocket, that my mother asked me that......I believe she had felt the strong presence of his energy at that moment!  How groovy is that!  Thank you, daddy, for coming and "CHER"ing your smile with me today!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

"Cher"ing "My" Smile Radio Show's next guest has been on Oprah Winfrey Radio with Maya Angelou! 3pm EST, Monday http://tinyurl.com/6wxhvs8

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

http://tinyurl.com/bvccxhn Who doesn't want to get healthy from the inside out? Join me and my guest, nutrition expert, Cindy Ruccolo, 3:00 PM EST-4:00 Come "CHER" your smile

Sunday, March 25, 2012

http://tinyurl.com/6ndtnqz Join me and animal communicator, Diane Gianlorenzo. She communicates with pets and beloved others that have moved onto the other side. Monday, 3.25.12 3:00 PM EST

Thursday, March 22, 2012

No Matter How Old Your Child Is, They Will Always Be Your Baby...

I just came back from spending a fun, silly, long weekend with my children.  I have two spectacular sons, almost 30 and 32 and I also have a fabulous daughter-in-law.  We planned a trip around my son's 32nd birthday to have this long awaited reunion.  I must say...no matter how old, chronologically, my sons  are, I still look at them and see the "little boy" in them.  The boy who came up to me to kiss his "boo-boo," the boy who jumped from the bed, only to receive stitches, the little boy who loved a bedtime story, the one who woke up with a nightmare, fell off his bike, won a contest in school.......memories to "CHER" a few....
Although, my heart swells with pride when I look at these men and see that they have grown into beautiful, caring, self-sufficient individuals, and I have the utmost respect for them, I must say that I adore the laughter and the smiles "CHER"ed when we get together ......I see "my babies" and can't help but SMILE!!!  Thanks E, B and M for a fun-filled weekend!  I love you ALL!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Time is The Most Precious Commodity....

Here, I am 32 years to the day, that my first son, Evan, was born.  It's amazing how time flies.  Time is truly a commodity that is so precious.  We can replace friends, we can replace monetary items, however as seconds turn to minutes and minutes into hours before we know it another day has gone by.... As they say, "Life is too Short..." but I think being, in Los Angeles, with these two outrageous, huge hearted men and starring at them, in awe, knowing that my blood is running through their veins makes me, really, step back and thank God.  It seems like only yesterday when I was wiping runny noses, kissing boo boos, reading bedtime stories and making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  I have learned never to wish time to move to quickly, for it will on it's own.....what I wouldn't do to kiss another boo boo, my Evan and Brett...I love you.....

Friday, March 9, 2012

These Three Words....

I am in the mood to listen to some of my favorite tunes and "CHER" them with all of my Facebook friends.  Often times, when "the mood" hits me, I will choose a little rock and roll, a little Motown and even some "oldies" but many times, I look to, deliberately, find a song that "CHER"s a meaning.  This evening, I am listening to the great Stevie Wonder sing, "These Three Words.".....I picked it with intent....I think that there are times that many of us, unintentionally, lose sight of the people, in our life.  We have arguments often times resulting in people parting ways.  Just the last year, I, myself, have experienced this.  I believe that people come into our lives for a reason and often times, when we "receive" what it was that they came for, our paths take us elsewhere.....I have learned that this is a part of my journey and I have also learned to always let people go with love.....wish them love and set them free.....so, if there was anyone that I did not say it to, I am saying it now....."I Love You...."

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What does having a BreakThrough mean to you? "Cher"ing "My" Smile guest, Monday 3.12 3pm EST is Dr BreakThrough! http://tinyurl.com/7ex9x4g

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Never In A Million Years....

If someone would have said to me 3 years ago that I would be a radio show host, be the creator of a beautiful FB page, "Unforgettable Facebook Connections" and "CHER"ing "my" smile around the globe, I surely would have looked at them and asked them what it was they were smoking....LOL.....

Never in a million years, would I ever imagined that from my sadness and the dark place I was in that through the help of so many wonderful souls "CHER"ing their smile that I would, in turn, "CHER" "my" smile thus catapulting so many magnificent opportunities my way.....

I am blessed to be a co-contributor in the inspirational e-book called "101 Voices".  I am equally as blessed to be writing a monthly column called "CHER"ing "My" Smile for a new International Digital Magazine making it's debut in July and now, I believe I maybe in store for a very new blessing, which I will "CHER" shortly.......

I guess I just want to thank YOU ALL for making this possible for me.  Without your smiles, none of this would be happening for I believe my smile is simply a reflection of yours....I stand in gratitude.....

"CHER"ing "grateful" smiles....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

http://tinyurl.com/7e2ak94 What is it that you HOPE for? Please join me and Cheryl Hamilton, founder of three FB groups all inspiring HOPE.

Giving Gratitude for our Mother's Love

I have my mom staying with me from Chicago.  Like most snowbirds, she flew south, for the winter.  She came in mid November and will stay through mid April.  I must "CHER" how amazing it is having her with me.  I am used to living alone, for the last two years, so some people had questioned the length of time she would be with me....I never really gave it any thought, prior to their concern, and then one day, I thought, "OMG..what if that is too long? What if she is uncomfortable in my home?  What if we get on each other's nerves?"...Well, I have had the best 5 months with her.  Through her love and her actions, it has helped me to learn more about myself.  It has helped me regain my esteem.  Every morning, I wake up to her beautiful smile and every night, I see that same smile.  It has made me realize that we are never too old for our mommy's love.....I am so very blessed to have her.  Thanks mom....

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where have you seen this Smile? Join me and guest, Stacey Schieffelin, founder of YBF (Your Best Friend) seen on QVC, HSN & the Shopping Channel. http://ping.fm/TdvrU

Saturday, February 18, 2012

How does your garden grow? Please join me and my guest, creator of "The Healing Garden"http://ping.fm/723E7

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Loss of a Musical Icon

I just wanted to take a moment to "CHER" the way my heart hurt when I received the news of the passing of music legend, Whitney Houston.  I think, perhaps, since Valentine's Day is right around the corner and most of us equate love songs with that particular holiday, the sadness is intensified.  I always try to tell the people, in my life, how very much I love them.  Whitney's passing only reinforced the importance of never taking anyone for granted....we never know if we will ever be able to "CHER" a proper goodbye....

Thank you, Whitney, for "CHER"ing your beauty with us through your magical voice and your angelic smile.....Rest in peace.......

Friday, February 3, 2012

Want to have that hot body on the beach this summer? Listen Monday, 3pm ET: http://ping.fm/4XyGd

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

From Smile Queen to "Poke Monster"

Here I am ....a woman in her ...(well let's just say middle aged) and I refer, to myself, as the "Poke Monster."  How absurd is that!  Funny thing is, I see the fun and the smiles it creates throughout FB land.  For all of us, men and women, who are either approaching that "hill" or are over it, isn't it nice to find your inner child and have fun?  I love to nurture my "little girl" and each time I get a "poke", a smile, or a silly comment from any of you, that is exactly what is happening!  Let's continue to reconnect, with our inner child, and perhaps, we can have a play date this coming week?  Cookies and milk anyone?

Monday, January 30, 2012

What's ur reaction walking in a dark parking lot and a stranger approaches?http://ping.fm/2uAp6

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I'm so excited! W4CY.com on Monday with the folks from Palm Beach Harvest. 3-4pm EST
"Cher"ing "My" Smile with Cheryl Resnick

"I'm Coming Out..."

Who would of thunk 20 months ago while I was sitting in the dark, indulging myself in my emotional pain that I'd be smiling in the light and "Cher"ing "My" Smile, today, with ALL of you? It was because of your smiles, warmth and grace that I am blessed to reflect your beauty back to you. From my heart and Unforgettable Facebook Connections..."Cher"ing "Grateful" Smiles.

My journey continues at W4CY.com where you can hear "My" Smile every Monday 3-4pm EST...
Come..."Let's ALL Dance in the Beauty of a Smile".